1.c Create your experience

modelH – the Business Model Method for Collaborative Healthcare Innovation

The Drawing Room: Part 1.c Create your experience

Does your Brand and Brand Promise match the experience your customers encounter when buying and using your products? Do you have a common design experience across all of your channels? Do you know if your products actually appeal to them in both form and function?

We believe that creating your “customer experience” is not about fixing the problems of unhappy customers, but about creating a common design language that enables your Brand Promise to be delivered. We advocate that your customer’s experience is what is left in their mind after they engage your products, services, and information – regardless of channel. We believe that experiences can build on each other – both positively and negatively – they can even cancel each other out. We appeal to your company to make Experience Design a critical component to your strategy.

We can help you do all of this. Let us work with your consumer, product and marketing teams to help them design wining and meaningful Experience Models. Work with us to understand how you to define a common language for experiential design within your organization. Let us help you set up your Chief Customer/Experience Office and operating model.

We can help your company with:

  • Customer experience blueprinting,
  • User centered experience design, and
  • Implementing lean user design methods.

Contact us for more detail, to engage our team in a project, or to have us provide your stakeholders with a workshop on designing and building great consumer Experience Models.