1.a Claim your customer

modelH – the Business Model Method for Collaborative Healthcare Innovation

The Drawing Room: Part 1.a Claim your Customer

Can you state in simple terms what your ideal customer looks and acts like? Can everyone in your company name your best customers and what makes them attracted to your products? Do you know who influences your customers, positively and negatively, about your products?

We believe every healthcare company should become familiar with and practice the discipline of persona development. We advocate that you should focus on understanding your customer and key in on what matters to them most (their value drivers) when making a healthcare related purchase decisions. We appeal to your company to create product offerings that have a clear value proposition, or risk losing market share.

We can help you do all of this. Let us work with your consumer, product and marketing teams to help them learn why your company needs healthcare-focused consumer personas, and teach them how to develop them quickly. Work with us to understand how our Healthcare Persona building method takes into account the ecosystem of consumer health influencers, a consumer’s retail-purchase value position, and their health jobs-to-be-done. Let us help you ensure your business or product’s value proposition meets your ideal customer’s value drivers.

We can help your company with:

  • Implementing lean customer development methods,
  • Persona life-cycle development,
  • Identify “ideal customers”, and
  • Retail-purchase value positioning (EST strategy).

Contact us for more detail, to engage our team in a project, or to have us provide your stakeholders with a workshop on building Healthcare Personas.